Episode 2 of the Travel Well podcast – How Runspire’s Walks Bring People Together

March 20, 2025

Next in The Travel Well podcast series is an interview with Runspire. This group is all about getting people moving by Nordic walking or social wellness walks. Samuel from the Travel Well team got on the tram and met with Paul from Runspire and two residents, Ian and Teresa and went on a walk. Afterwards, they had a sit down and chat about their journey – that particular walk but also how they came into the programme and what difference it has meant for them.

In the podcast, both Ian and Teresa talk about living alone. Teresa says that these walks give her the ‘impetus to get out and do something and meet people’ otherwise she thinks she would just be sat at home all day. Ian talks about how the hospital stressed how he needs to be active and through the walks he can achieve that.

Teresa and Ian entered the programme in different ways. Teresa heard about it through knowing Runspire already. The Travel Well walks were advertised and she went on a couple and has now transitioned to be a walk leader. Ian was prescribed this activity by a social prescribing nurse.

To hear more about the impact it has had on them, please have a listen here:

To find out more about Runspire please visit this page

Click here to find out more about Travel Well

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